Our Mission

The mission of the Church School in the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to teach, train, and nurture adults, young adults, college students, teenagers and children in God's word; preparing them for Christian service by emphasizing Christian principles. The Church schools shall employ methodologies for effective Christian growth and maximum participation inclusive of creative teaching pedagogues and state of the art learning technologies and multimedia products." "There is to be a church school in every local church." Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

First Episcopal District Church School Goals:

  • Following the direction of our Episcopal leadership we will incorporate the Guideposts into the program, teaching, and application of the First District Church Schools and organize the District Church School to accomplish our goals.
  • Support the work of Conference Superintendents and each Presiding Elder District so that we have a Church School in every church, with support of the pastors, prepared teachers, and disciplining members
  • Coordinate plan for teacher training with Board of Christian Education in line with Certification Program of the AME Church
  • Conference Superintendents will make recommendations for presenting a Model Church School at the seat of each Annual Conference at times that will allow for a full church school session, classes and lessons for all ages.
  • Our Annual Day and Seminar will support the Organization of the 1st District Church School that will allow for meeting aforementioned goals
Thank you Bishop for this opportunity to serve.

We look forward to serving God and leading our Church School to enable our members to fulfill the mandate of the great commission.